More businesses are adopting workplace wellness programs to encourage healthy behaviors and reduce costs associated with chronic health problems. However, for the first time in modern history, the workforce is comprised of employees spanning 3 generations making a “one size fits all” approach to wellness programming obsolete. The three generations in today’s workforce include Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), Generation X (born between early 1960s to the early 1980s) and Millennial (born in late 1980s). Each generation has its own set of values, communication style and expectations about their work environment as it relates to their health. MSEC member organizations have realized that effective wellness initiatives must appeal to this diverse workforce. As a result, employers must first understand the different expectations and unique needs of their multigenerational workers before implementing a wellness program.

Generational Perspectives
Baby Boomers are the largest cohort comprising 44 percent of the U.S. workforce and “tend to have a strong work ethic, good communication skills, and emotional maturity” (AARP). Baby Boomers are approaching retirement age and are dealing with financial stress, chronic health conditions and possibly caring for an older relative. The Center on Aging and Work estimates that 4 out of 10 baby boomers expect to postpone retirement for financial reasons.

Generation X accounts for 33 percent of the U.S. labor force (AARP). Many Generation Xers grew up with both parents in the workforce or from divorced households and they learned to thrive in the midst of chaos and change. On the job they tend to be self-reliant and enjoy achieving measurable results while streamlining systems and processes.

Millenials are the fastest growing cohort comprising 15 percent of the U.S. workforce (AARP). Millennials are tech savvy, impatient and idealistic, having grown up seeing the world as global, connected, and accessible 24/7. Due to social media and connection to a larger global community they exhibit high levels of social concern and responsibility. As children of “soccer moms “ and “helicopter parents”, they expect support from their managers and tend to be more open to employers taking an active role in their health.

Wellness Programming Strategies for a multi-generational workforce

1. Wellness initiatives should use communication that engage members of different generations: Provide information in multiple ways and let employees choose. Baby boomers tend to prefer traditional methods like printed newsletters, books, posters, paycheck stuffers, brochures where as Gen X and Millennials prefer more modern methods such as e-Newsletters, online content, email campaigns, blogs, text messages

2. Make sure the program delivery meets the needs of each generational cohort to maximize participation: Find out what will motivate your employees to participate in the wellness program. According to The 2014 Consumer Health Mindset survey, forty percent of Millenials were more likely to participate in health and wellness programs that are “easy or convenient to do” and not necessarily just because they were offered.

3. Create a wellness program that appeals to health issues of a multi-generational workforce: Engage your workforce and find out what aspect of wellness is important to each cohort within the organization. For example, results from the 2014 Consumer Health Mindset survey also found more than half (52 percent) of Millennials said “living or working in a healthy environment” is influential to their personal health. Structure wellness programs around Health Risks. Aim to keep the healthy employees at low risk and move the higher risk employees to low risk. According to a 2007 McKinsey survey, “young people (ages 18 to 34) are more concerned about their dental needs (44 percent) and protecting themselves from the consequences of major accidents (38 percent). Seniors tend to be much more concerned about managing major medical events (49 percent) or the requirements of long-term care (47 percent).”

A “one size fits all “approach to workplace wellness is no longer relevant. Employers who want to attract millennial workers and retain Generation X and Baby Boomers need to offer wellness programs that take a holistic approach and meet the needs of this diverse workforce.

AARP Leading a Multi-generational Workforce 2007
Center on Aging and Work at Boston College
McKinsey & Company. (2008). What consumers want in health care. Retrieved 2/19/15 from

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