2012 - Our Fifth Year

Conference Tracks and Description

The conference goal is to provide a valuable learning and networking experience for individuals leading and promoting worksite wellness. The conference will consist of five tracts, and abstracts are being accepted for allfive tracks. Authors will select a primary track and address one or more of the topics listed below

Track 1: Strategies for Building a Culture of Wellness

Abstracts will be accepted focusing on the methods of creating a culture of wellness within a worksite leading to and promoting health and wellness. These changes start with senior level management support, policy and environmental changes to create the culture change. Specific interventions and communicaion strategies that target productivity and stress, chronic disease prevention and management as well as living with illness are all topics within this track. Case studies are welcome to connect the strategies with the theory.

Track 2: Using and Gathering Data

Abstracts will be accepted for sessions focusing on how data collection and evaluation can be used in a work-site to strengthen and implement wellness programs. Topics within this track include, but are not limited to, examples of how to collect data, analyzing data, demonstrating how data has been used to validate or enhance worksite wellness initiatives within an organization. Case studies are welcome to show application of these techniques in real world settings.

Track 3: Legal and Compliance

Abstracts will be accepted relating legal and regulatory topics to the worksite enabling appropriate imple-mentation of policies. Presentations that cover health reform related initatives, mental health parity, HIPAA and GINA and how they affect employers will be considered. Case studies are welcome to show methods of applying policies in worksites.

Track 4: Better Health through Beneft Design & Worksite Interventions

Abstracts will be accepted for sessions demonstrating how benefit design strategies can be related to health care services and prevention, as well as worksite wellness. Value based benefit plan designs, value based purchasing, and incentives can effectively drive changes in the behavior of employees. Using data to select strategies, communicating changes, measuring effectiveness of programs, analyzing ROI, and reducion of risk or costs or premium trend are topics of interest.

Track 5: Colorado Initiatives and Case Studies

Abstracts will be accepted for sessions showcasing Colorado successes when addressing worksite wellness through a worksite or community approach. This track may include a broad cross section of case studies from organizations who would like to share about their worksite wellness program including state initatives that have helped lay the ground work for health promotion and wellness.